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How to Clear a Blocked Drain in 5 Minutes or Less

If you have a clogged drain, it is essential to clear it as soon as possible to avoid further problems. There are several ways to clear a blocked drain, and the best method will depend on the type of blockage you have. In this blog post, we will discuss how to clear blocked drains so that you can get your plumbing flowing again.

What are blocked drains, and what causes them?

Blocked drains are a common inconvenience in most households, caused by a buildup of debris such as soap, hair, and dirt. Understanding how clogged drains form and how to clear them is essential for avoiding costly plumbing repairs. Common causes include:

Tree roots

Tree roots aren’t usually the reason for blocked drains, but they can cause damage to your sewer lines. The roots will keep growing until they reach the pipe and cause a blockage.

Blocked sewers are a pain, but fortunately for Sydney-siders, Milbur Plumbing is always on standby to sort things out.


While toiletries are often essential, some products can cause blockages in your drains. For example, nappies, baby wipes, and sanitary items shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet.

Foreign objects

As a parent, one of the things you have to watch out for is your kids flushing foreign objects down the toilet. Toys, in particular, can quickly become lodged in the u-bend and cause a blockage. If this happens, it’s essential to call a professional to help clear the blockage and avoid further damage to your plumbing.

Cooking oil

Under no circumstances should you pour cooking oil down the sink, as it is too dense and will not flow freely. Instead, it will collect and clump together with food debris, causing a drain blockage. It’s important then to get a professional diagnosis of your sink blockage to prevent further damage to your property.

Food scraps

Food scraps and cooking oil can seriously damage your drainage system by clogging it and causing blockages. These don’t belong in your drainage system, which is especially true of coffee grounds. These items can cause clogs that lead to costly repairs when putting down the drain. Additionally, throwing coffee grounds in the trash contributes to landfill waste. To help reduce these negative environmental impacts, consider composting your coffee grounds.

Mineral Buildup

When minerals like calcium settle and form deposits in your pipes, this causes them to narrow. This does not directly cause a blockage but makes it more likely for other types of blockages to develop.


Soap bars, unlike liquid soap, can cause drainage blockages because they can get lodged within the pipes. To avoid this, use a mesh wire guard to cover plug holes.


Having long hair can be both a benefit and a curse. You may find that when you wash it in the bath or shower, some of it falls out and mixes with other substances, causing a significant blockage in your drain. While it’s understandable to be concerned about this happening, there are some things you can do to prevent it. For example, avoid using conditioner on your hair daily, as this can weigh it down and make it more likely to fall out. It would help if you also brush your hair regularly to keep it from getting tangled. 

If you follow these tips, you should be able to keep your long hair from causing any major problems in your drain!

Natural Debris

Natural debris, like leaves, twigs, and dirt, can fall into your outdoor drains and cause clogs, especially when you don’t use gutter guards.

Cat litter

If your cat’s litter box is exposed to water, the litter will clump together and expand. This can cause a blockage in your drains if any waste gets into them.

It is essential to keep drains in good condition, as blocked drains can cause a range of inconveniences and disruptions. 

How To Clear A Blocked Drain 

If there is a blocked drain, the first step is to identify the source of the blockage. Depending on the culprit, you can try various home remedies before resorting to more expensive methods like calling a plumber. If you want help figuring out where to start, a quick internet search should give you plenty of ideas to try out. You don’t need to call in professional service after all!

Boiling water

Boiling water can be a helpful way to break them up. It has a low melting point, and the extreme heat helps to break them down. Boil a water kettle and pour it down the drain to shift the blockage.

Natural cleaners

You can use natural cleaners to create a fizzing effect that breaks drain blockages apart. If your drains are starting to clog, don’t call the plumber. You can try this simple home remedy instead: pour a kettle of hot water and follow it with one cup of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Leave the mixture for ten minutes, then flush it with hot water. Combining the hot water and the natural cleaner mixture can break blockages up.

Caustic cleaners

Some stores sell caustic cleaners that take a more active approach to clear drain blockages. The chemicals in the cleaner will break down grease, fat, and oils, making it a better choice for more challenging blockages. Always follow the instructions on the packaging before using and ventilate the room to clear out any harmful fumes.


Plungers are a simple but effective tool for dislodging blockages. They work by forming a seal around the plug hole, creating a vacuum effect that pulls the blockage out.

DIY drain snake

If you need to clear a clog quickly, you can make your own drain snake at home with just a few materials. All you need is a thin metal wire – like a coat hanger – and a hook. Bend the wire into a snake shape, leaving the hook at the end, and insert it into the drain. This approach is most effective for minor blockages made of hair and works best in showers.

Plumbers drain snake

Plumbers drain snakes are potent tools that professionals should only use. They can reach deep into your pipes to remove blockages that standard methods can’t handle. We usually only use these tools for difficult clogs that require a more robust solution.


CCTV drain inspections are conducted by inserting a camera and a tool similar to a drain snake into the pipes to identify the clog’s location and severity. This assessment is then used to form a plan for removing the clog.

Hydro jet

Hydro jets are a very effective drain blockage removal technique that uses high-pressure water to break up and remove debris from pipes. In some cases, we may need to use other methods to remove the remainder of the blockage, but hydro jets are a great way to get rid of most of the problem quickly.


In the case of severe drain blockages, excavation is the last resort. This involves digging around the drain so that we can repair or replace some of the pipework. Although this approach isn’t always necessary, it can save the rest of your pipework from extensive damage.

Pipe relining

If you have a pipe blocked for a while, pipe relining is a much more efficient and effective solution than entirely replacing the pipe. We use flexible tools and resin to reline the pipe after we’ve removed the blockage.

Blocked drains are a pain for several reasons. Some are obvious, while others you may have yet to consider. If you experience common symptoms such as gurgling noises, slow drainage, and foul smells, try using some of the home remedies we’ve suggested. If they don’t work, it’s time to consult a blocked drain plumber.

Blocked drains can be a real pain – whether a minor clog causes a slow drain or a significant blockage preventing water from flowing through your pipes entirely, it’s never a fun experience. 

Milbur Plumbing is here to help! We’re experts in diagnosing and clearing blocked drains, and we can handle all plumbing problems – from minor leaks to complex sewer installations. We work with residential and commercial properties, so don’t hesitate to call us regardless of your plumbing needs. 

Don’t put off dealing with your blocked drain any longer – call Milbur Plumbing today!